Requirements for the gig:
-This is not intended to be a full time job, and the work can be done around a conventional, 9-5 schedule.
The primary tasks the gig will entail:
-Transcribing audio and video taped interviews into text. This will be the primary responsibility and take the majority of the time. I estimate about 40-50 hours of total tape will need to be transcribed.
-Researching, collecting and organizing information (mainly biographical information about famous people). All research can be done from a computer using public, internet accessible sources.
-Other “assistant” type tasks, for example: scheduling travel, finding and vetting various freelancers (camera operators, designers, etc), or setting interview appointments.
What the job will NOT entail:
-Partying with me, hanging out with me, or having sex with me.
-Meeting me in person is not even required to do the job, and may never happen.
Reasons NOT to do the gig:
-If you think this will make you Tucker Max’s best friend for life because you are just so similar to him and wouldn’t that be fun lol?!?!
Because I am screening remotely and not meeting people in person for this job, this will be a three stage application process. The first step is very simple and easy, and will test whether or not you can follow instructions, which will be crucial in these tasks. If you want to apply for the job, do these things:
UPDATE: Due to overwhelming volume, the gig is now closed to new applications.
Over 4,000 emails in less than two days will do that. If you already sent an application email in, you’re fine. Most second round invitations have been sent out; the rest will go out tomorrow or Friday.