Book Summary: How to Make Love Like a Porn Star: A Cautionary Tale


How to Make Love Like A Pornstar: A Cautionary Tale

by Jenna Jameson, Neil Strauss
Regan Books (August 17, 2004)

Tucker’s Rating: 7 / 10

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What’s it about?: The autobiography of the famous porn actress, Jenna Jameson.

Book Summary: Open: An Autobiography


Open: An Autobiography

by Andre Agassi
Vintage, August 10, 2010

Tucker’s Rating:  9/ 10

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What’s it about?: The autobiography of Andre Agassi’s, the famous tennis player.

Book Summary: Born Standing Up


Born Standing Up

by Steve Martin
Scribner (November 20, 2007)

Tucker’s Rating:  6 / 10

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What’s it about?: The autobiography of famous comedian, Steve Martin.

Quotes, August 2012

“The goal [of meditation] is to awaken from our trance of discursive thinking–and from the habit of ceaselessly grasping at the pleasant and recoiling from the unpleasant–so that we can enjoy a mind that is undisturbed by worry, merely open like the sky, and effortlessly aware of the flow of experience in the present.”
-Sam Harris

What it’s like to play basketball with Obama

I just posted this piece in the Huffington Post, reprinted here:

I was at dinner the other night, and got a question I get all the time:

“What was it like to play basketball with Obama? What’s he like?”

Here we go again, another Obama basketball question. First, let me explain how I even knew Barack Obama: